Birds and other wildlife seen in my home area of East Lancashire and further afield.
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Dotterel and Ring Ouzels - Pendle Hill, Lancs - 21st April 2007.
A fine pair of Dotterel were frequenting the northern end of the summit late afternoon. The trudge up and down was enlivened no end by the presence of a minimum of 12 Ring Ouzel frequenting the slopes to the SE of the left hand path. Four male Ouzels can be seen in the photo above. As many as 25 have been considered present at any one time in recent days, part of the largest spring passage of this species through England that i can remember.
14 Ring Ouzels in pasture below Holdens Farm is the largest single flock I have ever seen.... Fabulous! Two Fieldfare asscociated with the Ouzels. A bonus bird in the form of a singing male Lesser Whitethroat provided the chap beside me who's local patch this is with a first site record. Two single Tree Pipit flew west and several Wheatears and a male Stonechat were noted. An excellent couple of hours.
A walk with Pam through Marles Wood predictably drew a blank with the hoped for near mythical Lesser-spotted Woodpecker envisaged in a 'premonition' the previous night, prompting this excursion! - 3+ Chiffchaff were in song, with kingfisher and 15+ Goosander on the river.
A very pleasant afternoon search for any remaining Pink-feet in the area revealed a single flock of 500 on the saltmarsh between Fluke Hall and Pilling Lane Ends. Whilst watching the Geese, a nice Stoat appeared closeby. A superb flock of several hundred Golden Plover were present in a ploughed field at The Heads, Wyre Estuary.